National Hydrogen Strategy (NHS)

Last updated: 21 February 2022

Hungary's National Hydrogen Strategy paves the way for the inclusion of low-carbon hydrogen in the economy for the 2030 horizon. The strategy is structured in 7 elements, which support the following priority objectives:


Production of large volumes low-carbon and decentralized carbon-free hydrogen 

- 20k tons/year of low-carbon hydrogen +16k tons/year of green and other carbon-free hydrogen 

- 240MW of electrolyser capacity


Decarbonisation of industrial consumption, partly with hydrogen:

- 20k tons/year of low-carbon hydrogen + 4k tons/year of green and other carbon-free hydrogen

- reduce 95k tons of CO2eq of emission 


Green transport:

- 10k tons/year of green and other carbon-free hydrogen 

- 20 hydrogen refuelling stations

- 4.8k hydrogen fuell cells vehicle

- avoiding the emission of 130k tons of CO2eq


Electricity and natural gas support infrastructure: 

- improve building sector integration ability -primarily seasonal energy storage 

- establish infrastructure that will enable the transition to carbon neutrality, and retrofit existing infrastructure

- 60MW of average cut-off capacity

- min. 2% per year volume blending ratio in the natural gas system


Support objective: 

- establish a stimulating operational environment through comprehensive regulatory and operational frameworks, and promoting partnership and international cooperation;

- use RDI and education to promote the success of hydrogen during the transition and demonstrate its the legitimacy on the domestic market.

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