
Despite being energy self-sufficient thanks to its gas sector, Uzbekistan's ageing infrastructure struggles to meet growing domestic demand. Losses, overuse and financing remain problematic. Wide-ranging reforms focused on improving and diversification the energy sector are being introduced and the government has adopted the Strategy of Actions 2017-2021, which prioritizes improving energy efficiency and increasing generating capacity and use of renewables. Uzbekistan is part of the EU4Energy Progamme, an initiative focused on evidence-based policymaking for the energy sector.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2022

  • Complete transition to competitive energy markets

    Finalise as quickly as possible the draft laws and plans currently under consideration to transition to competitive energy markets, and then ensure effective implementation on the basis of clearly set out responsibilities, accountabilities and adequate resources.

  • Reform energy tariffs

    Reform energy tariffs to reflect the full cost of supply and provide support only for the most vulnerable customers.

  • Introduce an energy regulator

    Introduce an independent and well-resourced energy regulator to ensure fair competition.

  • Solve financial imbalance in national oil companies

    Address the financial imbalances in the state-owned energy companies and intensify efforts to avoid their re-emergence.

  • Increase energy efficiency and help limit energy demand

    Work ambitiously to increase the efficiency of energy supply and use and, in the anticipation of continuous growth in the country’s urban population, incorporate energy and climate considerations into long-term urban development and transport plans to limit growth in energy demand.

Uzbekistan data explorer

