Sweden is a global leader in decarbonisation and has targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions 59% by 2030 compared with 2005, and to have a net-zero carbon economy by 2045. Sweden was the first country to introduce carbon pricing and has the highest carbon price in the world, which has proven effective at driving decarbonisation.
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Most of Sweden’s electricity supply comes from hydro and nuclear, along with a growing contribution from wind. Heating is supplied mainly through bioenergy-based district heating and heat pumps.
Most of Sweden’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the transport sector, which remains reliant on oil. The government has a target to reduce transport emissions by 70% from 2010 to 2030 and is supporting transport decarbonisation through electrification and advanced biofuels. Sweden is also supporting industrial decarbonisation and is home to one of the first major projects for hydrogen-based steel production.
Most of Sweden’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the transport sector, which remains reliant on oil. The government has a target to reduce transport emissions by 70% from 2010 to 2030 and is supporting transport decarbonisation through electrification and advanced biofuels. Sweden is also supporting industrial decarbonisation and is home to one of the first major projects for hydrogen-based steel production.
Last updated Dec 16, 2021
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